
AirBadge mounts a /billing endpoint on your site that provides some handy utilities.

The following routes are provided:

Endpoint Description
/billing/checkout Redirects current signed-in user to a Stripe checkout session.
/billing/portal Opens the billing portal for the current signed-in user.
/billing/modify Modify the current user’s billing plan.
/billing/cancel Cancels the current user’s subscription.
/billing/checkout/complete Handles post-checkout housekeeping.
/billing/webhooks Handles all Stripe webhooks for you.

Use cases

Open billing portal UI

Just link to /billing/portal

<a href="/billing/portal">Update Account</a>

Create an upgrade button

When a user clicks the button, POST to /billing/modify and pass id as a query param. The id can be either a price id, product id or lookup key.

  function upgrade() {
    return fetch('/billing/modify?id=price_1234', {
      method: 'POST'

<button on:click={upgrade}>Upgrade</button>

Create an cancel button

When user clicks the button, POST to /billing/cancel:

  function cancel() {
    return fetch('/billing/cancel', {
      method: 'POST'

<button on:click={cancel}>Cancel</button>

Create a pricing page

Pull pricing from Stripe in src/routes/pricing/+page.js:

import { SECRET_STRIPE_KEY } from '$env/static/private'

const stripe = new Stripe(SECRET_STRIPE_KEY)

export async function load({ fetch }) {
  const { data } = await stripe.products.list({
    active: true,
    expand: ['data.default_price']

  return {
    products: data

Data bind the products in src/routes/pricing/+page.svelte:

  export let data


{#each data.products as product}
      Price: {product.default_price.unit_amount / 100}

    <a href="/billing/checkout?id={product.default_price.id}">