
AirBadge adds extra attributes to the session.

These are useful for building conditional logic based on the subscription and plan.

They are available on both the client and server.


Attribute Function
customerId The user’s Stripe customer id.
purchases An array of the user’s past purchases. Contains price_id, product_id, and lookup_key. The user’s subscription id.
subscription.status The current status of the subscription.
subscription.plan The lookup key of the Stripe price. Example: pro_monthly or basic_yearly
subscription.priceId The Stripe price id of the plan. Example: price_1234


To get session data on the server-side, use locals.getSession():

// +page.server.js
export async function load({ locals }) {
  const session = await locals.getSession()


On the client side, use the data prop:

<!-- +page.svelte -->
  export let data



This what session data would look like:

  "id": "1234",
  "sessionToken": "uuid",
  "userId": "1234",
  "expires": "2024-03-11T15:01:35.933Z",
  "user": {
    "id": "1234",
    "name": "Joshua Nussbaum",
    "email": "",
    "emailVerified": null,
    "image": ""
  "customerId": "cus_1234",
  "subscription": {
    "id": "sub_1234",
    "status": "active",
    "priceId": "price_1234",
    "plan": "basic_monthly"
  "purchases": [